At AVM, Our Appraisers Are Our Number One Asset and Our Top Priority.
Join Us Today!We Care For Our Appraisers.
We Care For Our Appraisers.
Our appraisers are our key to success. So we make every effort to maintain a sound and supportive working environment throughout our appraiser network. The excellent service we provide to our clients depends on the excellence of our terrific network of the very best professional licensed appraisers.
In today's market, ability to close more loans than your competition depends on the quality of your appraisal solution. Hence, our infrastructure is designed in a manner which ensures compliance to all state and federal regulatory requirements as well as appraiser independence.
AVM aids the mortgage industry and clients to reduce risk and make profitable and wise lending judgment by providing the top-quality appraisals completed by local, talented appraisers compensated well above industry standards.
We’re growing fast. Our application takes only a few minutes to complete.